September 19, 2015

Landscape of the Gila Art Show At McCray Gallery WNMU

The Landscape of the Gila from peter bill on Vimeo.

The Landscape of the Gila from peter bill on Vimeo.

The Landscape of the Gila
August 27-September 27th

The Gallery will be open 12-5 every day and 12-8 on the 25th

Closing Reception as part of the Gila River Festival
Friday September 25th 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Aleada Siragusa "Unbridled Power" 20"x16"

I am happy to have two of my oil paintings chosen for this art show at McCray Gallery on the Western New Mexico University campus.

Aleada Siragusa "Raven's Mist" 24"x30"

This is a must see show. Peter Bill, Associate Professor of Art curated the exhibit. You will enjoy the diversity of art objects chosen for the show. Weavings, ceramics, gourd bird sculptures, a look and smell peep hole installation, photography, films, and oil, acrylic and encaustic paintings in a variety of styles.

 WNMU is one reason my husband and I chose to live here; for the culture the University adds to the area. Because of my respect for the University atmosphere I was particularly pleased to be part of this show. I enjoyed meeting and talking to Professor Peter Bill and some of the other professors and students including, Casney Tadeo,  the undergrad assistant/'manager" working on her internship at the gallery for the BFA program at WNMU and Chala Werber, the graduate gallery assistant. Thank you all who worked on the show. Western New Mexico University helps make Silver City one of the best small art towns in the USA. 

Finding Balance in a Changing World
September 24 - 27, 2015

The Gila River Festival is an annual event in Silver City. This year it is a most important event because the well being of the Gila River, New Mexico's last wild unfettered river is under attack from plans to divert the river from its natural state. Most of the people in Grant County are against this but the legislators and committee seem to be continuing towards diversion. Along with extensive damage to the river the people of Grant County will end up paying for much of the cost of this boondoggle. There are better alternatives to getting the water needed for farms and livestock.